Wednesday, 15 September 2010


Above is my final design taken and blended into a background. I have chosen flowers and although you can still see it, i think the pink/red roses blend really well its just the blue background that stands out.

Friday, 28 May 2010

Camouflage Project

Camouflage Project

Cath Kidston

I visited the website and seached her in google. In order to find her unique floral designs. Cath Kidston produces patterns out of flowers, she also uses stars, all sorts of fruits and dots.

Above is my favourite floral pattern of Cath's. I love the colours the different shades of pink and green. It blends really well together and creates a great image. I am going to use these colours for my final camouflage as i think they work really well together. This is the second image that i love. I love the style of the roses, how they look like there painted not printed on. I also like how realisitc the roses look. The colours again really stand out to me the dark pink almost red and baby pink colour. I also think the light blue background goes really well.

This pattern has very similar roses again and i really like this style. The colours again the same for the roses and little strands of greenry coming of them. This also works really well and the white background allows the roses to stand out.

Emma Hack

I also researched an artist called Emma Hack by searching her in google and using her website . Emma creates camouflages out of the human body. She usually uses a women and paints them perfectly in order to blend them into a matching background. It creates a beautiful effect.

Above is one of Emma's images. As you can she she uses a floral background and then paints the model exactally the same. This creates a great camouflage image. You have to look very closley in order to see the model and i really like this i think its a great idea.

This is also Emma's work. This is probably my favourite i really love the colours and espeically the gold its really stands out and looks really effective. Its a really unsual way of creating a camouflage.

This is the one that stands out the most to me, Purley because its a great idea. I love how she has made a ballerina dress by using the camouflage idea. I am not as keen on the colours but i really like the floral pattern and think she has painted it perfectly.


I have chosen pink as my first colour. I will experiments with different shades of pink from hot pink to baby pink. The colour that i found worked well with pink was green it really blends well and in Cath's work it looked great. I also chose these colours because they represnt me, i love pink and my room is coverd in pink and green floral designs. So i have chosen pink and green because they blend well but aslo represent me. After researching Emma's work i really liked the gold so i might even combine some gold into it. I will experiment with different shades of these colours in order to see which works best and get my final colours.

Camouflage History

Military Camouflage became a very popular military tactic. At first camouflage was bold and bright with crazy designs, it was not used to disguise but to daunt enemeys at first. It was then later used as it is today to blend something into its surroundings making a target harder to spot. Each country has gone under different stages in order to create the camouflages we have today. Below the first image is an example of the first ever type of camouflage which is called Dazzel camouflage. It was used in World War One. As you can see its not like todays, its bold and has a very unsual pattern on it. It was used to do what the name says dazzel the enemy.Below the image is of the traditional camouflage that we use today. The military colours green and brown mixed together in patches. Which is alot more effective than the Dazzel camouflage. Although the camouflages were used for military tactics they have had a major impact on the art world. The Dazzel camouflage has inspired lots of artists and still today carries on to influence people.Above is Edward wadsworth modern image produced in 1918. You can straight away see the dazzel aspect to it and how he has used that in order to create and intresting modern peice. I really like this image and think it shows the influence that camouflage has had on the artworld.

My ideas and Sketches

For the project we were also asked to pick an object that represents us. I thought long and hard about what represents me. In the end i chose flowers. Even though this is not an exact object anyone who knows me would know that i love roses. People always say that when they see anything to do with flowers they think of me so i have chosen flowers to be my object. I chose Cath Kidston and Emma as my artists in order to explore more in floral camouflage and see what i could do. I got some great ideas from it and even my colour skeme.

Above is one of my first experiments. I was just experimenting with the flowers to see what the colours look like together and to see what formation to put the flowers in. I really liked this peice even though its very simple.

I also did a few more sketches, i was unable to scan them in due to them not being dark enough so i have took a photo on my phone insted. Above is one of my sketches that i did to see what composition i should use.

My Final

I took my idea and used the same rose but this time made it slightly different. I put the roses in a more random order and added alot more of them. This made the pattern look alot better and alot more fuller. I then kept the rose red and added a leaf brush to the background of some of the roses. I used dark green and light green colours for the leaves to blend with the red. I then picked the background colour which i chose light blue because i had already used green for the leaves. I then did some effects and messed around with it in order to see what works and what doesn't and below is my final camouflage.

Above is one of my experiments that i did to see what i could to to complete my pattern i added a poster effect over it just to see what it would look like with a bit less detail and make it more like the traditional camouflage with basic blob patterns but i prefferd the earlier detailed verision so i kept that as my finished camouflage.


I started this project by researching into artists that did patterns and camouflage. I took intrest in Cath Kidstons floral patterns and Emma Hack's unique human paintings camouflages. By researching these artists it gave me a few ideas and definatly gave me help in deciding which colours i were going to use. I then researched into the history of camouflage and found out all about miliatry camouflage and the first ever camouflage that was called dazzel camouflage, this showed me how camouflage influences the world today with its artwork. After that i then did a few sketches and ideas. I then started my final peice and again experimented on that, after all of that i had my final camouflage. By looking at it you can definatly see where my artists have influenced it and where some of my ideas have came from.